In the 1950's, the Gold Beach 'Senior Citizen's Club' met informally, gathering for pot lucks, social events, and coordinating a meal-site at the fairgrounds.
In 1965, they officially organized with written bylaws and elections for officers.
They first met in the Soroptimist building, later moving to Eagle's Hall - Veteran's Hall.
In 1969, meetings were held at the VFW Hall.
The nuisance of being shuffled around began the desire to find their own permanent HOME. This topic was first recorded in 1970 on April 28th, but was tabled for further discussion.
The seniors took a rather important step in 1975, establishing themselves as a Nonprofit Corporation in the state of Oregon.
Meanwhile, meals were being served on alternating days at the fairgrounds and Riley Creek Elementary.
The need to accommodate a reliable and consistent nutrition program became priority.
In 1982, They began a building fund as well as searching for a location.